Quote time.

“Only the dead have seen the end of war.”

  • Plato

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Quote time.

“The cost of living is going up and the chance of living is going down.”

  • Flip Wilson

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Poor Hillary.

Haha I found this on reddit and found it funny. Why she’s still trying, I don’t know but it’s quite funny. People are going to stop making fun of Bush and start making fun of Hillary and her stupidity. It’s lie after lie with this crazy bitch.

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Quote time.

“Everything has its beauty but not everyone sees it.”

  • Confucius

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Wisconsin Parents Didn’t Expect Daughter to Die During Prayer

Just a little follow up about the girl who died because her parents were negligent, crazy religious people.

From the article;

Her mother, Leilani Neumann, told The Associated Press that she never expected her daughter, whom she called Kara, to die. The family believes in the Bible, and it says healing comes from God, but they are not crazy, religious people, she said.

Uh, sorry to burst you bubble little lady but healing comes from trained doctors. You know, the kind you find at HOSPITALS? Where you refused to take your precious daughter because you thought your God would help you and her? Maybe you would have known it was terminal if you weren’t a moron and took her to get help. You crazy, religious person, you!

“We are remaining strong for our children,” she said. “Only our faith in God is giving us strength at this time.”

I would find it hard to have faith after praying to God (The same God she’s talking about up there) and my daughter dies. That would tell me a little something. I would get my head out of my ass and realize that he’s not helping. If anything God is the reason your daughter died, he’s a murderer. He blindsided you into thinking he could help, so you refused to take your daughter to a professional. Fuck God and fuck you.

Leilani Neumann said the family is not worried about a police investigation into her daughter’s death because “our lives are in God’s hands. We know we did not do anything criminal. We know we did the best for our daughter we knew how to do.”

Yes, I’m sure it’s comforting to put your life in Gods hands after he just took your daughters life. You didn’t do the best for your daughter or she would be ALIVE AND WELL you ignorant cunts. The best, as I said would have been to go see a damn doctor.

Vergin said he expect the investigation to wrap up by Friday and the findings to be forwarded to the district attorney to review for possible charges.

I really, truly hope these criminals get locked up. They deserve more and worse, but jail will suffice.

Mrs. Neumann said she deeply loves all her children and has nurtured them spiritually, emotionally and physically.

All I can and will say is, no you don’t.

“Our lives are in God’s hands and whatever we go through we are just going to trust him,” she said. “We need healing. We are going through the healing process.”


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Quote time.

“Even if you’re on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there.”

  • Will Rogers

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Police: Girl Dies After Parents Pray for Healing Instead of Seeking Medical Help

Wow, this one is just plain stupid. Don’t they know praying doesn’t fucking work? Its been tested This is ridiculous. I hope they feel like shit now and they aren’t believers anymore. But knowing those thick headed people they are probably just saying “Oh, God took my “precious” daughter to a better place.” My ass. I even added another category for this. WTF?

From the article:

WESTON, Wis. — An 11-year-old girl died after her parents prayed for healing rather than seek medical help for a treatable form of diabetes, police said Tuesday.

Treatable form of diabetes. Did you read that? Oh boy.

Everest Metro Police Chief Dan Vergin said Madeline Neumann died Sunday.

“She got sicker and sicker until she was dead,” he said.

You’d think after they noticed she was getting sicker and their prayers weren’t working they would actually go see a professional?

Vergin said an autopsy determined the girl died from diabetic ketoacidosis, an ailment that left her with too little insulin in her body, and she had probably been ill for about 30 days, suffering symptoms like nausea, vomiting, excessive thirst, loss of appetite and weakness.

30 days and all they did was pray? That has got to be one of the stupidest things I’ve ever read.

The girl’s parents, Dale and Leilani Neumann, attributed the death to “apparently they didn’t have enough faith,” the police chief said.

Sorry, but this made me laugh.

The mother believes the girl could still be resurrected, the police chief said.

Wow, these people are delusional. They shouldn’t go to jail, they should be locked up in an insane asylum.

The family does not attend an organized church or participate in an organized religion, Vergin said. “They have a little Bible study of a few people.”

Ah, that’s the problem! They didn’t go to church. If they went to church maybe she would have survived. God is punishing them. Shame on them!

The girl’s death remains under investigation and the findings will be forwarded to the district attorney to review for possible charges, the chief said.

Hopefully they get a nice sentence. They truly deserve it.

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Quote time.

“Better be wise by the misfortunes of others than by your own.”

  • Aesop

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Make your own God.

If you were the one to invent God (I feel this is going to get some crazy Christians to say no one invented God because he’s actually a real thing), how would you portray him? Would you make him evil or would you make him nice and loving?

I’d start off by making him nice, obviously. Who would really want an evil God that would want people murdered who didn’t follow his rules?

To make it easier for people to believe I’d set something to be “God” like a statue or something. It would be much easier to prove that he’s there because, well… It’s actually there and not some invisible being like the one people currently believe in.

I would make a heaven, but not a hell. Why would a nice God want people to be damned to the pits of hell for all eternity? Doesn’t seem like a guy I’d like to meet at all!

I would have a set of rules, kind of like they currently have but minus a few. Obviously not to kill another person would be one of them. I definitely would not make it a sin to be gay.

Now I’d like all of you to complete this God. Whatever you feel needs to be added leave as a comment. Be serious, please. Nothing bad :P.

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Sorry again.

Sorry that there as been no new posts. Didn’t feel like it over easter break. Tonight there will be one.